Friday, July 22, 2011


as a baby if he cried. to them, he was either hungry or just tired.
never thought to question if the baby was in pain, something more he desired?
he would try nd draw them messages on the wall, but only to be punished.
his parents "taught him lessons" but he never passed. not one quiz.
was given "time outs" but those time outs to him were only "time ins"
see, he was locked physically but his mind was given FREEDOM and the FREE DOMinated him
the youngest of the family so to them he never knew anything
eventually took it to heart. agreed he didn't know anything
so he asked more questions then answers, never talked. always LISTENING
learning from not only his but their mistakes, he always LISTENed IN
listened in from the 6th step on the stairs where he could hear but wouldn't be SEEN
now no longer hiding. they could now see and hear him, but still not part of the SCENE
say im not old enough to UNDERSTAND, that theres still more to see.
no. they're just to full of pride, nd not willing to STAND UNDER me
like albert einstein. im not crazy,  just lost in truth's reality
friendlesss and pushed away from his family. 
nd its not an ANGER PROBLEM. it's just a PROBLEM that ANGERS me.
E equals MC squared was what he left behind
the equation to solve my family's problems = MINE.

dont take a walk in my shoes.
take a day in my head.

maybe then you'll understand

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